Include 1 Year Support Only SecureData Mobile SDK Infrastructure License – installation kit for Enterprises or Merchants Prereqs: Requires infrastructure license(s) for SecureData such as SecureData Key Servers, Enterprise Infrastructure Suites, etc.; SecureData Enterprise Client Simple API Installation kit, Secure Host SDK Installation kit for Open Systems/Stratus VOS/Micro Focus Nonstop, SecureData Web Front End Server FES) for SecureData Web and/or SecureData Mobile, and Encryption and/or Tokenization Use Licenses. e.g. For a Merchant with 2 datacenters to encrypt an annual volume of 5 Million payments transaction payment data from a mobile application – INFRA LIC: 2 x SecureData Enterprise Infrastructure Software Suite 2 + 2 x SecureData Enterprise Client Simple API Installation kit + 2 x Secure Host SDK Installation kit for Open Systems + 2 x SecureData Web Front End Server FES) + 2 x SecureData Mobile Client for iOS + 2 x SecureData Mobile Client for Android; USE LIC: 5M Trx / 1M per pack) = 5 x SecureData Encryption Use License for SecureData Mobile list price for volume band.) Priced per: Data Center
Micro Focus SecureData Mobile Client – Instal
Include 1 Year Support Only SecureData Mobile SDK Infrastructure License – installation kit for Enterprises or Merchants Prereqs: Requires infrastructure license(s) for SecureData such as SecureData Key Servers, Enterprise Infrastructure Suites, etc.; SecureData Enterprise Client Simple API Installation kit, Secure Host SDK Installation kit for Open Systems/Stratus VOS/Micro Focus Nonstop, SecureData Web Front End Server FES) for SecureData Web and/or SecureData Mobile, and Encryption and/or Tokenization Use Licenses. e.g. For a Merchant with 2 datacenters to encrypt an annual volume of 5 Million payments transaction payment data from a mobile application – INFRA LIC: 2 x SecureData Enterprise Infrastructure Software Suite 2 + 2 x SecureData Enterprise Client Simple API Installation kit + 2 x Secure Host SDK Installation kit for Open Systems + 2 x SecureData Web Front End Server FES) + 2 x SecureData Mobile Client for iOS + 2 x SecureData Mobile Client for Android; USE LIC: 5M Trx / 1M per pack) = 5 x SecureData Encryption Use License for SecureData Mobile list price for volume band.) Priced per: Data Center
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